Charity Categories
Racial Equality
Racial equality occurs when institutions give individuals legal, moral, and political rights. In present-day Western society, equality among races continues to become normative. Prior to the early 1960s, attaining equality was difficult for African, Asian, and Indigenous people. However, in more recent years, legislation is being passed ensuring that all individuals receive equal opportunities in treatment, education, employment, and other areas of life
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Our mission: To stop the defamation of the Jewish people, and to secure justice and fair treatment to all...
Healing Justice is a national nonprofit that utilizes restorative justice and legal reform strategies to address the harm caused by wrongful convictions.
The Hispanic Scholarship Fund’s (HSF) mission is to strengthen America by advancing the college education of Hispanic Americans.
DEFEND EDUCATE EMPOWER We join with the many well-meaning, compassionate people across the nation; seeking fair treatment and an end to racial injustice. We pray for peace, justice and safety for all.
Our goal is that every American has access to jobs with a living wage and good benefits, by helping people find jobs, get training, and pursue rewarding careers
We focus our impact by funding partners and building initiatives that mobilize against hate and violence, reclaim our narratives, and create more opportunities for all AAPIs to thrive.
The nation’s largest, oldest, most successful and most comprehensive minority higher education assistance organization.
The YWCA USA was established in 1855 and is one of the oldest and largest women’s organizations operating in the United States. Our mission is to empower women and eliminate racism.
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