Finding ways to honor those who have fought for our country, as well as those that serve and protect our local communities, is an important part of recognizing the sacrifice these men and women make. It is important that we honor our fallen heroes at a national level, a local level, and at a personal level. Community involvement is essential in recognizing sacrifice. However, it also allows families to pass down the message of commitment to country, as well as lessons in honor, integrity, and sacrifice to younger generations. From volunteering to donating, we can individually pay our respects to those that fight for our rights and our freedoms, help protect our families from harm, and give the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty. Through the continued support of adventure enthusiasts all over the world, as well as amazing sponsors throughout each community, we hope to continue our mission for many years to come.

Since 2021, The Lucky Foundation continues to evolve. The Lucky Foundation strives to be a leading organization in diversity, equity, and inclusion. We seek to create a culture where volunteers and constituents are empowered to share their voices and perspectives to create an environment of inclusion, growth, positivity, belonging and change. This culture is embraced by all parts of the Foundation.

As we continue to grow, The Lucky Foundation has forged partnerships with those sharing the commitment to empower the youth of our future. With our broad partnerships, we are committed to transparency. Through the blessing of these partnerships, we plan to expand our outreach and program offerings.

We are continuing to build out our educational and scholarship programs on various levels including but not limited to both university and vocational. We are reorganizing our due diligence process while expanding our team to become more seamless for our scholarship applicants. Our directors and their teams continue to meet via videoconference so that there is no interruption to our funding cycle this year. We also are changing the way we conduct site visits so that they can happen virtually and with the least amount of disruption for the scholarship applicants.

We are forecasting the Foundation’s future investment portfolio as a source of additional scholarship funds while continuing to creatively run lean on overhead operating expenses. We are evaluating how to move our strategic priorities forward while being responsive to ever-changing community needs. The Foundation’s Board of Directors and Advisors continue the discussion of how we can best fuel a thriving nonprofit sector working to advance equity with the funds contributed focusing forward. More details about plans for the upcoming year will be shared very soon.

This CharityChoice website is operated by Special Kids Fund,
a nonprofit 501c3 organization, promoting charitable giving.
Tax ID 58-2550249

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